
Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

Helping Fiction Authors Turn Readers into Fans & Fans into Buyers

Through email newsletters and strategic digital marketing, I accelerate the growth of an author's brand.

As a fiction author, you know the power of storytelling—but do your readers feel personally connected to you beyond the pages of your books?

That’s where I come in!

I craft engaging email newsletters that give your audience the exclusive, behind-the-scenes content they crave while nurturing them long before your next book launch.

The result? A loyal, excited readership that’s ready to buy the moment your book drops.

Whether you’re launching your first book or your twentieth, building an engaged email list is the most effective way to ensure record-breaking sales on day one. Let’s make your next book release your biggest one yet!

I hope to help as many authors as I can!

Launching Your First Subscription? Avoid These 5 Mistakes That Lead to a Loss of Loyal Readers, Angry Reviews, and an Empty Publishing Calendar. (And How to Solve Them!)

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